SPRING 2022 ︎
︎Role: Project Manager
︎Team Size: 13 Graduate Students - 2 PMs, 9 Designers, 2 Researchers
︎Budget: $5,000
︎Duration: 3-months from ideation to final deliverable
Project Goal:
Create a fully functioning chatbot that answers the questions of [Prospective Students] looking to find information about the COMMLead program. The bot would allow for any and all questions to be answered in a timely manner at all hours of the day - regardless of time zone. Our task - decrease the average email load of the programs Acacemic Counselor (Heather) and improve the user experience for any and all individuals regardless of English profiency or capability.
Using client provided research materials design a chatbot that:
︎is visually in-line with clients upcoming re-branding
︎shares style, tone, & voice of programs typical correspondence
︎answers questions clearly & directly with calls to action to find information not sponsored by the bot
︎sort information into like categories for ease of use and understanding
︎ test intended flow through user understanding and reiterate on process through usability testing
Through the collaborative efforts of this project our team won the University of Washington Screen Summit, Design Award and was chosen by a group of FAANG indsutry professionals amongst 50 competing teams. The bot is now active and live on the program website and has been successfully producing intended results for the client.
LIVE CHATBOT ACCESSIBLE VIA - https://commlead.uw.edu/